Thursday, January 3, 2008

Thursday Thirteen #1

Thirteen Things about Risky

1.... I rarely share my feelings but thats what this blog is for. I dont trust many people. So I tend to keep bottled up whats going on inside.

2.... I dislike the color pink (seriously). I know my template is pink it works for me here. But in general I dislike the color pink.

3.... I'm almost 28 years old. I have a birthday coming up this month that I refuse to celebrate.

4.... I like to dye my hair alot. I change it frequently.

5.... I'm married...Its confusing and complicated. We rarely get along and have nothing in common. But divorce doesnt work for us either.

6.... I smoke and hide it from everyone I know. Its like my outlet. Its a secret.

7.... I let very few people into my world. I fear what they might think of me.

8.... I'm bipolar. Still very few people know this. I'm sure they've wondered but I let very few people in.

9.... I like to write

10... Can only write when manic

11... I'm a pretty good cook. Its the clean up I do not like

12... I have 2 very close friends. Even them I keep at a distance and only tell them what I want them to know

13... I guess i'm a pretty boring person. I can't think of a 13.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


Anonymous said...

That was the LEAST boring Thursday Thirteen I have read all week. You fascinate me, and it seems you should really be enjoying your twisted life. Very cool list.

Anonymous said...

Welcome---and thanks for bravely sharing this with your readers. It sounds as if you really do need some sort of outlet. The internet is a great way to make connections privately with people who share some of your same obstacles and issues. I know from reading the blogs of other thirteeners over an extended period that you definitely are not alone! 13 Unresolved Issues from 2007

Anonymous said...

I don't think you're boring. That's an interesting lkist.